Fitness, Performance and Health Journal 2025-01-27T15:40:10+00:00 Professor Dr. Nur Ikhwan Mohamad Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Fitness, Performance &amp; Health Journal (FPHJ)</strong> is a scholarly peer-reviewed academic journal publication. The journal is published online with two (2) issues per year ( June and December). Besides that, special issues of FPHJ will be published non-periodically from time to time. Fitness, Performance &amp; Health Journal is devoted to the effort of promoting evidence-based practice among practitioners within the area of physical fitness, sports performance, and public health. The journal publishes original research, systematic reviews, case studies, and short communications on current topics related to fitness, performance, and health.</p> <p>Language: English or Bahasa Melayu<br />Level of Publication: International</p> <p><strong>Authors are required to pay (MYR 250) Article Publishing Charges (APCs) as part of the publication process.</strong></p> <p>Peer Review Process<br />The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor. It will be evaluated whether it is suitable with the journal focus and scope or has a major methodological flaw. These manuscripts will be sent to the reviewer anonymously (Peer Review). The reviewer's comment is then sent to the corresponding author to take the necessary actions and responses. The updated article will subsequently be examined in a meeting of the editorial board, with the final decision being forwarded to the corresponding author.</p> The effects of Reduced Personal accomplishment on mood and mental state among railroad workers: The mediating role of work-family conflict 2025-01-11T05:15:12+00:00 Kairi Huang Zhou Min <p>As work pressure increases, individuals are facing challenges of work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and reduced personal accomplishment. Objective: The present study aims to analyze the relationship between work-family conflict (WFC) and job burnout among railway employees, particularly the connection between low personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion, and to explore the mediating roles of work interfering with family (WIF) and family interfering with work (FIW). Methods: A total of 293 employees from the Nanning Railway Bureau Group Co., Ltd. of China's Nankun Railway Line Engineering Section were surveyed using offline questionnaires. The WFC scale and the MBI-GS scale were utilized to assess work-family conflict, low personal accomplishment, and emotional exhaustion. The collected data underwent rigorous analysis using SPSS 27.0 and the Process macro program. Results: A negative correlation was identified between reduced personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion, with the relationship between them being mediated by WIF. The mediating effect of FIW, however, was not found to be significant. Conclusions: A decline in personal accomplishment directly results in the depletion of emotional resources, with WIF partially mediating this relationship.</p> 2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Kairi Huang, Zhou Min