Expressive Patterns of Ex-Psychotic Group in The Form of Anxiety in Muria Jaya Social Services Program


  • Trubus Raharjo Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Nur Fajrie Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Imaniar Purbasari Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Rani Setiawaty Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Irfai Fathurohman Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Lintang Kironoratri Universitas Muria Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA



expressive patterns, ex-psychotic, form of anxiety


This research is qualitative with a narrative approach. The subjects of this research were a minority group of ex-psychotics at the Muria Jaya Social Home. This research data is in the form of the group's expressive speech. Data collection techniques were obtained using note-taking, documentation, and library techniques. Researchers used purposive sampling as a sampling technique. The data analysis technique is the matching method. The matching methods used are translational equivalents (the determining tool is language/speech), referential (the determining tool is something outside of language), and pragmatics (the determining tool is the interlocutor). The validation technique used in the research is a triangulation of techniques, theories, and researchers. Based on the research and discussion results, it was concluded that the expressive patterns as a form of anxiety in the group include declarative-declarative, declarative-rhetorical, and declarative-imperative expressive patterns. The existing forms of expression of the ex-psychotic group at the Muria Jaya Service Home include expressions of happiness, sadness, disappointment, guilt, and self-control.


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How to Cite

Raharjo, T., Fajrie, N., Purbasari, I., Setiawaty, R., Fathurohman, I., & Kironoratri, L. (2024). Expressive Patterns of Ex-Psychotic Group in The Form of Anxiety in Muria Jaya Social Services Program . Fitness, Performance and Health Journal, 3(1), 74–81.