Correlation Analysis Between Locomotion Skills and Other Four Types of Motor skills in Children aged 3-6
Motor Skills, Locomotion, Stationary Performances, Object Manipulation, Grasping, Visual-motor IntegrationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between children's locomotion skills and four other types of motor skills (stationary performances, object manipulation, grasping and visual-motor integration). The study participants were 343 children aged 3-6 randomly recruited from the Children's Motor Ability Center in Chengdu, China. Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2 (PDMS-2) was used to assess motor skills. Correlation of Inferential statistics was applied to analyze the correlation. Pearson correlation analysis (p<0.001) was used to show the correlation level. The results showed that children aged 3-6 years old had a strong correlation between locomotion skills and stationary performances, a moderate correlation with object control skills, and a moderate correlation with grasping skills. There was a strong correlation with visual-motor integration skills. The conclusion is that children aged 3-6 years old have a moderate or above correlation between locomotion skills and the other four types of motor skills. Future research should consider incorporating stationary performances, grasping, and visual-motor integration skills in the design of motor skill intervention programs to maximize the effectiveness of interventions for young children. Ultimately, focusing on a comprehensive approach to motor skill development will lead to better outcomes for children's motor performance and overall well-being.
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