The Role of Administrative Empowerment for Employees in Sports Forums from The Point of View of Sports Forum Managers and Employees


  • Othman Jamal Muschit Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Anbar, Anbar governorate, Iraq
  • Waad Abdul Raheem Farhan Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Anbar, Anbar governorate, Iraq



Organizational Dynamics, Administrative Empowerment, Performance Enhancement, Sports Management, Organizational Culture


The research endeavors to establish a comprehensive measure of administrative empowerment among employees within sports forums under the purview of the Youth and Sports Directorates in Iraq. Additionally, it seeks to ascertain the current status of administrative empowerment as perceived by both forum directors and their employees. Employing a descriptive methodology, the study engages a sample comprising forum directors and staff members within the Iraqi Youth and Sports Directorates, totaling 276 supervisors. Utilizing established scientific frameworks, the research team meticulously crafted the measurement scale. Rigorous statistical analyses were then conducted to ensure the scale's integrity, encompassing considerations of validity and reliability. Specifically, construct validity was assessed, encompassing discriminant ability and internal consistency coefficients, revealing the significance of all statements. Moreover, the reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) confirmed the stability of the scale, registering a commendable score of 0.887. To fulfill the research objective of evaluating the current state of administrative empowerment among sports forum employees within Iraqi Youth and Sports Directorates, the administrative empowerment scale was administered to a subset of the sample, comprising 122 supervisors. Results indicate a notably positive level of administrative empowerment among workers in these forums, suggesting a prevalent administrative culture within the researched cohort.


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How to Cite

Jamal Muschit, O., & Abdul Raheem Farhan , W. (2024). The Role of Administrative Empowerment for Employees in Sports Forums from The Point of View of Sports Forum Managers and Employees. Fitness, Performance and Health Journal, 3(1), 54–66.