Acceptability and Nutritional Content of Sago Cauldron (Sinole) with Cork Fish Meat Substitution (Channa Straita L.)
Sago Cauldron/Sinole, Snakehead Fish Meat, Organoleptic, Acceptability, Economical NutritionAbstract
Papua Province has abundant natural potential, one of which is the potential of sago forest covering an area of 1.2 million hectares. The use of sago as a staple food is usually processed by burning without the addition of other food ingredients so local food modification is needed to increase the nutritional value of the food consumed by the community. Local/traditional food that can be modified is Sago Cauldron/Sinole with the addition of snakehead fish meat. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability, nutritional content, and economic value of sago cauldron/sinole with the addition of snakehead fish meat. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment with 3 (three) formulas for making Sago Cauldron/Sinole. The panelists on the organoleptic/preference test were moderately trained and the panelists accepted the acceptance test by the general public in Mappi District. The nutritional value of sago cauldron /sinole food was converted to the Food Ingredients Composition List (DKBM), and the results of the organoleptic/preference test of the 3 formulas took the highest average value of all favorite characteristics. Then the formula with the highest value was tested for acceptability using the Comstock method. The economic value of nutrition is calculated by calculating the price per gram of protein from sago cauldron/sinole food with the addition of snakehead fish. The results showed that the highest caloric value in formula 151 was 154.6 kcal, and protein in formula 373 was 7.9 g. In general, the organoleptic/preferred test from the characteristics of color, taste, and texture of the most preferred formula was formula 373, while the preferred formula for aroma is formula 262. Sago cauldron/Sinole acceptance panelists mostly (73,3%) finished the sample served. In conclusion, formula 373 has the highest average rating on organoleptic properties and protein content tests so it has the highest nutritional economic value.
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