Social Stigma Against People with Covid-19 In Jayapura Indonesia: A Mixed Methods Study with Explanatory Design


  • Frans Manangsang Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura, 99351 Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA
  • Ellen. R. V Purba Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura, 99351 Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA
  • Ruth Yogi Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura, 99351 Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA
  • Ester Rumaseb Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura, 99351 Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA
  • Korinus Suweni Nursing School, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura, 99351 Jayapura, Papua, INDONESIA



Covid-19, Social Stigma, Mixed Method, Explanatory Design


Stigma and discrimination related to Corona Virus Disease is a worldwide problem, creating major barriers to infection prevention and adequate treatment. Efforts to prevent and control Corona Virus Disease are hampered by the existence of stigma and discrimination against people with Corona Virus Disease. The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey states that there is widespread stigma and discrimination against people affected by infectious diseases so that they are a determinant in efforts to overcome and prevent them. Stigma and discrimination have indirectly triggered an increase in the transmission of Corona Virus Disease and increased the negative impacts associated with the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to find out the social stigma of the community towards people with Covid-19 in Jayapura Indonesia. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with, and design observational survey equipped with a qualitative method (Mixed Method) Explanatory design. This research was carried out in Jayapura Regency with a population of all Jayapura Regency people aged 18 years and not directly affected (not patients) of Covid-19, namely 131,802 people. The sample size was taken as many as 110 respondents who were taken by cluster random sampling technique. The questionnaire used in this study was the Tanzania stigma indicator and community endline individual questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.  There is a relationship between educational characteristics and fear of being infected with the Covid-19 virus with community stigma which is shown by each p-value test of Kendall-Tau 0.000 (p<0.05). The analysis also shows a fairly strong relationship and the direction of the negative correlation shown by the correlation value -0.544 for the education variable and the correlation value -0.692 for the variable worried about being infected with the Covid-19. People think that the Covid-19 disease is a very dangerous disease because it can cause death for the sufferer, so that feelings of worry and fear arise. There is a relationship between educational characteristics and fear of being infected with the Covid-19 with community stigma in Jayapura Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Manangsang, F., Purba, E. R. V., Yogi, R., Rumaseb, E., & Suweni, K. (2022). Social Stigma Against People with Covid-19 In Jayapura Indonesia: A Mixed Methods Study with Explanatory Design. Fitness, Performance and Health Journal, 1(1), 43–51.