Mother's Activity, Less Nutritional Together Weight During Nutrition Implementation
Toddler, Weight Loss, Nutrition Post, LivelinessAbstract
Nutrition plays an important role in the human life cycle. Malnutrition in infants and toddlers will cause growth and development disorders. Growth or nutritional status of children is not only related to food consumption but is associated with behavior in this case parenting nutrition, and is influenced by the environment. To find out the activeness / participation of parents of toddlers and weight gain in under-nutrition children. This research is a pre-experimental research with the research design is one shot case design. The location of the study was at the Nauri Posyandu in the Hedam District of Jayapura City. The sample of this study was under nutrition toddlers aged 12-59 months. Sampling by purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 11 study samples that gained weight ≥ 200 g as many as 7 people (64%) were classified as good and the rest were classified as less while the participation / activeness of the study sample mothers 56% were classified as active, 33% were less active and 11.1% were inactive. The weight gain of the study sample is not only seen from the presence of the sample when the Hearth Implementation takes place but needs to be supported by the participation / activeness of the mother / parent.
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